Q: What is the difference between a manufactured and modular home?
A: Manufactured homes are placed on a concrete slab while modular homes are placed on a basement or crawlspace.
Q: Does Affordable Homes of Rice Lake provide in house financing?
A: No, in house financing is not offered at Affordable Homes of Rice Lake. However, we have outstanding relationships with several local lenders who are familiar with lending for modular/manufactured homes.
Q: How far away from Rice Lake do you deliver/set homes?
A: Affordable Homes of Rice Lake, as well as our contractors, generally provide services within 100 miles of Rice Lake, WI.
Q: What are the differences between manufactured/modular homes and stick built homes?
A: Very few differences; manufactured/modular homes are built with 2×6 exterior walls and are inspected at the factory before delivery to ensure they meet state and federal codes.
Q: Are these homes covered under any warranty?
A: Yes, all of our manufacturers have a minimum of a one year manufacturer warranty.
Q: What changes can I make to a manufactured/modular home?
A: All manufactured/modular homes offered at Affordable Homes of Rice Lake provide a variety of personalization options, including but not limited to siding colors, cabinetry, countertops, flooring, etc.
Q: Why work with Affordable Homes of Rice Lake on your project?
A: As a smaller dealership we offer a more personalized experience when picking, placing, and loving your new home. We take great pride in our ability to help find home buyers what they need and want in their home.